Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Exploitation films have made the difference between what is acceptable and unacceptable. In underground comics I haven't met a person who would say what is unacceptable as it is about the freedom of the author. Here is a comic near to the idea and view of exploitation films.

Kizsákmányoló filmek tették meg a különbséget aközött, mit az elfogadható és mi az elfogadhatatlan. Az underground képregény világában, én még nem találkoztam senkivel, aki azt mondaná, mi elfogadhatatlan, mivel ez a szerző szabadságáról szól. Itt van egy képregény közel a kizsákmányoló filmek ötletéhez és nézőpontjához.

Eksploatacijski filmovi su napravili razliku između onoga što je prihvatljivo i neprihvatljivo. U underground strip svetu nisam srela osobu koja bi rekla ono što je neprihvatljivo, što govori o slobodi autora. Ovde je strip koji je blizu ideji i stajalištu eksploatacijskih filmova.


Where humans and erotica was never before

1.      People and hallways hidden from the sunshine… Here hidden behind the glass-walls aliens are kept in human bodies paralyzed. On the right side the females, on the left the males.
2.     One day one of them from the left side breaks out from his hibernated/paralyzed state and breaks the glass-wall.
3.      Then observes the right side, chooses, and the glass is already breaking.
4.      For his survival he has to make hybrid offspring…with this objective he has to activate under his waste his human body.
5.      As every living creature has the basic survival instinct, it is not enough to conceive half human and half alien breeds but… he has to reproduce himself as well.
6.      Because of this reason he has to find/contact the hidden/coded parts (genitals).
7.      The disadvantage of this is he has only three hours to live after the coitus.
8.      He made the most of it.
9.      But… even the humans make mistakes.
10.   The partner was a hermaphrodite and used its chance, it used its “partner” as a hosting body… it reproduced itself perfectly. The egg and the sperm processed a identical copy of it. Clean race.
11.  Anyway, his life was a matter of hours after “achiving his objective (function)”.


 Gde ljudi i erotika nisu nikad bili
 1. Od sunca skriveni ljudi i hodnici... Tu iza staklenog zida su skriveni vanzemaljci, koji se drže u paralizovanim ljudskim telima. Na desnoj strani su žene, na levoj su muškarci.
 2. Jednog dana jedan od njih sa leve strane izbije iz njegovog hiberniranog/paralizovanog stanja i razbije stakleni zid.
 3. Onda posmatra desnu stranu, bira, i već razbija staklo.
 4. Za svoj opstanak mora da napravi hibridno potomstvo ... sa ovim ciljem on mora da aktivira donje delove svog ljudskog tela.
 5. Kao što svako živo stvorenje ima osnovni instinkt preživljavanja, nije dovoljno da naprvi hibrid polovine ljudske i vanzemaljske vrste, ali ... on mora da reprodukuje i sebe.
 6. Zbog toga mora da pronađe/kontaktira skrivene/kodirane delove (genetalije).
 7. Nedostatak toga je da mu preostaje da živi samo tri sata posle koitusa.
 8. Izvukao je najviše iz toga.
 9. Ali ... čak i ljudi čine greške.
 10. Partner je bio hermafrodit i iskoristio je svoju šansu, iskoristio je "partnera" za telo-domaćina... reprodukovao se savršeno. Jaje i spermatozoid proizveli su identičnu kopiju. Čista rasa.
 11. U svakom slučaju, njegov život je bio pitanje nekoliko sati nakon što je "postigao svoj cilj (funkciju)".

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Mud.Town.Spankelitious.Fun by evet makk