In Mud Town pigeons would be as many as in Rome, if poor people had not existed. At the faculty where I studied, dead pigeons were an every day sight. Here is a prime example of one pigeon which died during flying and crashed that little construction.
Sárfalván annyi galamb lenne, mint Rómában, ha szegény emberek nem léteznének. Ahol tanultam, ott a döglött galambok látványa minednapos volt. Íme egy példány galamb, amely repülés során pusztult el, és lezuzta ezt a kis szerkezetet.
U Blatici bi bilo golubova onoliko koliko je u Rimu, ako ne bi postojali siromašni ljudi. Na fakultetu gde sam studirala mrtvi golubovi su svakodnevni prizor. Evo prost primer jednog goluba koji je umro tokom letenja i srušio tu malu konstrukciju.
In Mud Town pigeons would be as many as in Rome, if poor people had not existed. At the faculty where I studied, dead pigeons were an every day sight. Here is a prime example of one pigeon which died during flying and crashed that little construction.
Sárfalván annyi galamb lenne, mint Rómában, ha szegény emberek nem léteznének. Ahol tanultam, ott a döglött galambok látványa minednapos volt. Íme egy példány galamb, amely repülés során pusztult el, és lezuzta ezt a kis szerkezetet.
U Blatici bi bilo golubova onoliko koliko je u Rimu, ako ne bi postojali siromašni ljudi. Na fakultetu gde sam studirala mrtvi golubovi su svakodnevni prizor. Evo prost primer jednog goluba koji je umro tokom letenja i srušio tu malu konstrukciju.
ReplyDeleteIn Mud Town there would as many pigeons as in Rome, if poor people had not existed. At the faculty where I studied, dead pigeons were an every day sight. Here is a prime example of one pigeon which died during flying and crashed that little construction.
This was the only way to make it visible.